Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Brief Look at the Berlin Airlift - 1100 Words

The Berlin Airlift was the result of an unexpected breakdown of alliances of the nations after World War two. Berlin was split between France, the Soviet Union, the United States, and Great Britain. The four zones joined together to form West and East Berlin. On June 25th, 1948, the Soviet Union set up a blockade around Berlin to try and force the Allies to give up their democratic government in the western part of Germany. President Truman tried to stop the blockade without violence, so he made the Truman Doctrine to lessen the chance of war. On July 26, 1945, United States President, Harry Truman, met with Joseph Stalin, of the Soviet Union; Clement Atlee, of Great Britain, in Potsdam, Germany. In the meeting they discussed on how Germany would be governed and ruled. They agreed to split the country into four zones, giving France the fourth. However, they disagreed on how the country would be ruled. France, Great Britain, and the United States, countries known as the western allie s, wanted to create a democratic government out of the zones they owned. The Soviet Leader, Joseph Stalin opposed the idea of a democratic government, and instead wanted to create a communist government. Stalin new by creating a friendly communist government that this would make sure that Germany would never invade his country, known as Russia, ever again. Stalin not only opposes a democratic government but he also opposed Capitalism, under which people could form their own companies and possesShow MoreRelatedEssay Cold War Presidents1736 Words   |  7 Pagesand honest, that it almost made the atomic bomb seem obsolete. The Marshall Plan rebuilding of Europe had to have been one of the greatest humanitarian accomplishments of the 20th century, and eventually the signing charter for NATO after he Berlin Airlift and the charter for the United Nations affirmed in Truman’s Wilsonian ideas of self-determination and world harmony. He’s the first president to actively begi n desegregating the country first though the armed forces, then by proposing a civilRead MoreBattle of Ideals: USA and the Borderlands1752 Words   |  8 PagesPeter the Great and with the defeat of Sweden plus many other confrontation, expanded in many places across Asia and eastern Europe. The They were the ultimate race and are destined to right the wrongs of others and there crooked ways. 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